Tag Media When Shared When you save media to lineup you will see a Tag when shared checkbox. When this box is checked, your profile...
Saving Media Links You can save links to any media on the web and add them to your lineups by clicking Add Media...
Saving Links From Mobile Apps And Browsers If you are enjoying media in any app or browser on your mobile device, you can save the link for...
Connecting With People We work hard to cultivate a safe and secure environment where people can express their vision without the stress of...
Sharing Media With CLIPKICK only people you share your content with directly can see it. You can share lineups, individual media files,...
Connections feed Open your connections feed by clicking the icon on your My Clips page. (desktop) Open your connections feed by clicking...
Saving TikToks to CLIPKICK CLIPKICK is the best way to save and organize the TikToks you love to watch later and share. There are...