
CLIPKICK collaboration features are a great way to share media and communicate with close friends, family, coworkers, VIPs, and fans, privately and securely.

CLIPKICK is personal media, not social media, so there is no public feed, and you control who sees your content. This means that if you create a media playlist (lineup) and collaborate with someone on the playlist, your files and communications are private between you and whomever you’re collaborating with.  Nobody else can see your content unless you share it with them. This makes lineup collaboration good for sharing pictures and videos for a party, event, for a company or family get together that you don’t want to become part of internet history.

Many people don’t want their pictures on social media. So, when pulling out your camera at a gathering, letting people know they will be able to see the photos and videos only on a private cloud, makes everyone more relaxed and comfortable.

With CLIPKICK, you can create a lineup, add collaborators, and then all collaborators can privately share files to that line up and communicate through chat. Collaborators can then share the media with others that can view the media but don’t have collaborator privileges.

To collaborate, first you need to create a lineup. Hit Create Lineup at the top of the screen in the desktop webapp and in the bottom navigation bar in the mobile apps, then enter the Lineup Name, Description, and select Master Chat Group if you like. If you select Master Chat group, when someone hits the Chat Icon under the lineup, it will open a group chat where everyone that the lineup was shared with can chat. If you don’t select Master Chat Group for the lineup, direct messaging between collaborators and others you shared the lineup will be enabled, with no group chat.

Now you add media to the lineup.

With CLIPKICK you can upload video, images, sound, pdfs, documents, and links to any media on the web, privately and securely.

To add media, click on the Add Media button at the top of the screen for web app, and on the navigation bar at the bottom of the app for mobile.

Select the kind of media you would like to upload (video, image, sound, document or link) then select the media file from your device, or add a link to any media on the web. Now save the media to the lineup you just created.

Next share the lineup to the people you want to collaborate with. Click Share under the lineup, then you will see a list of your connections. You can select Invite here to invite people that aren’t registered CLIPKICK users yet. Invites can be sent via email on the desktop webapp, and email and SMS on the mobile apps. After the people you invite register, they will automatically be connected to you and have access to collaborate on the lineup you shared.

Select the Connections you would like to collaborate with, then click Share. Now you are offered controls for how your media will be handled. Select Allow collaboration, and the connections you shared the lineup with will get additional permissions to add media to the lineup, edit the lineup order, and share the lineup with others.

After they connect and get the shared lineup, it will appear under the Collaborating heading on their My Clips screen. They can add media to the lineup and share the lineup with others. They can only delete media they have added.  

If anyone shares a lineup with you as a collaborator, you will find those lineups under the Collaborating heading on your My Clips screen.

Now every time a collaborator adds media to the lineup, everyone else the lineup was shared with gets a notification. The person that saved the media also gets an open notification when anyone opens the lineup or file in the lineup.

This makes collaborating on a lineup a better way to share photos and videos then through messaging apps or SMS. You are not only sharing and streaming the media, but you are also creating a shared memory album, as opposed to just adding videos and pictures in a text string long to be buried in a chat somewhere.

So, let’s say you are at an event, you can create a shared lineup that people at the event can add videos and pictures to, and everyone at the event can see what is shared and chat with each other, but it’s all happening privately, with nothing on social media.

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