With CLIPKICK you can upload, store, stream, and share video, images, sound, pdfs, and documents privately and securely.
For mobile, to add media, click on the Add Media button at the bottom of the app.
For desktop, to add media, click on the Add Media button at the top of the screen.
Now select the kind of media you would like to upload (video, image, sound or documents) then select the media file from your device. In the mobile apps you will be asked to choose a thumbnail here. You can also upload your own image file, and enter a name and caption here. The upload process will begin.
With the webapp a thumbnail will be chosen for you, but you can go back and choose another thumbnail by clicking the edit pencil under the file on the player screen. With the webapp you can select multiple files to save some time.
After a file is uploaded you will be asked to select the lineup that you would like to add the media to. Images and documents will be ready to view right away. Video and sound files will begin processing a version optimized for streaming. When the processing is complete you will receive a notification.
You can now watch your media on any device and privately share it with anyone you are connected with, while having the original files stored for convenient download later.