Tipping is a great way to make extra money as a creator. You can set up and manage your tipping in the desktop application. The management of tipping is not available in the mobile applications. To set up your account to accept tips, go to the upper right-hand corner of the drop-down menu in your desktop application and select Tipping.
Here you’re going to see the Connect with Stripe button. When you click this button, you will be asked to Select Your Country. Then you can accept the Stripe of service, set up your Stripe payments, and connect your bank account. Tips you receive will come directly to your bank from Stripe, minus CLIPKICK and transaction fees*.
After tipping is set up, anybody you’re connected with can go to your profile and send you a tip by entering their credit card information. Your connections can send you tips in both the desktop and mobile applications, but you can only manage your tips and see your earnings in the desktop application.
After you set up Stripe and connect your bank account, you can manage tips and see your earnings by going back to the drop-down menu and clicking Tipping again.
You will now see the money you received by default. You can also see the tips you sent other people. You can deactivate tipping here and tipping buttons will no longer be visible on your profile.
From here you can also go to your Stripe account directly and see more details about your tipping activity by clicking Go to Stripe at the bottom of the screen.
All paywall and tipping payments are transacted through our partner Stripe and are subject to transaction fees. CLIPKICK keeps 15% of each transaction for the platform service. Subject to our terms of service. Your Paywall, tipping, and affiliate back office is only available in our desktop web application and cannot be managed in our mobile applications.
CLIPKICK is available as a desktop webapp, and an IOS Apple and Android app. Multiple file upload capabilities and earning features like paywall, tipping, and affiliate programs can only be managed in the desktop application. Also, detailed settings and lineup editing features like media list order are only available in the mobile application. So we recommend you log into the desktop web app and install the mobile application to benefit from both.
Below are videos for both desktop and mobile. You can play the videos and then click the NEXT button to get to the next getting started help module.