• Main Menu and Settings – Mobile

    Main Menu Mobile CLIPKICK is available on Apple, Android, and desktop computers via the most popular commercial browsers. When you save media in any platform it will be available on all platforms. However, when it comes to settings and features, there are some only available on mobile (like lineup reordering)…

  • Connections feed

    Open your connections feed by clicking the icon on your My Clips page. (desktop) Open your connections feed by clicking the Connections icon on the Main navigation bar at the bottom of the app.  (mobile)  Here you will see, in chronological order, all of the lineups and media your connections…

  • Sharing Media

    With CLIPKICK only people you share your content with directly can see it. You can share lineups, individual media files, or links to any media on the web. To share your media, click Share under the lineup or the individual file on the player screen that you want to share,…

  • Connecting With People

    We work hard to cultivate a safe and secure environment where people can express their vision without the stress of social media. With CLIPKICK you don’t have followers that can just see your content without your approval. Connecting on CLIPKICK is done by request and the connection must be accepted…

  • Saving Links From Mobile Apps And Browsers

    If you are enjoying media in any app or browser on your mobile device, you can save the link for later by clicking the share icon under the media to open your share tray, then select the CLIPKICK icon to save the link to one of your lineups. For Iphone…

  • Saving Media Links

    You can save links to any media on the web and add them to your lineups by clicking Add Media and then pasting the link in the text box. After you enter the link, you can save it to any lineup.  This feature gives you a secure way to save…

  • Tag Media When Shared

    When you save media to lineup you will see a Tag when shared checkbox. When this box is checked, your profile image will appear on the media when shared. In most cases tagging is the better option, but in certain cases, like if you are a videographer uploading content for a…

  • Saving Media Files

    With CLIPKICK you can upload, store, stream, and share video, images, sound, pdfs, and documents privately and securely. For mobile, to add media, click on the Add Media button at the bottom of the app. For desktop, to add media, click on the Add Media button at the top of…

  • My Clips

    When you open CLIPKICK you will see your MyClips page. Here is where find and organize all of your media, including video, sound, images, documents, and links to any media on the web.  You organize your media into playlists called lineups, not folder and file trees like typical cloud storage….

  • The Player Screen

    Click any lineup image on your MyClips page to open the player screen. The player screen is where you view all your media.  Here you can stream video & audio, view images & pdf’s and download documents. Swipe left to move through the lineup or hit the thumbnails under the…